Mattress Guide

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Shopping for a new mattress can be a daunting task. With so many options in-store and online, it can be hard to determine which route to take and better yet, decide which mattress is right for you. The mattress guides listed below offer advice and help to provide you with the information you need to make the right mattress choice for you!

Each individual sleeper is different. From weight, sleeping position, feel preferences, and a dozen other factors, everyone requires something a little different. This is why we have created the guides below. Each guide will walk you through a specific scenario, list the most appropriate mattresses for that scenario, and explain why they are the best options. The goal of Sleepopolis is to make your mattress research easier and help you get a better night’s sleep.

Read through the guides, but still have questions? Send me an email via my contact form. I’m always available to help offer personalized mattress advice and recommendations.

Or just some basics on bedroom setup?

And some of my curated posts when you’re ready to make your mattress purchase.

Best Mattresses

The following is a complete list of all best mattress guides on Sleepopolis. In these guides we break down all of the mattresses we’ve tested and reviewed by a specific category or criteria.

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Logan Block

Logan Block

About Author

Logan is the former content director of Sleepopolis. As content director, he reviewed new mattresses every week and curated the comparisons, best of pages, and video guides on the site. Logan perfected his method by personally testing over 200 different mattresses, so he’s not only able to discern the overall vibe of a specific bed, but to contextualize its feel within the bed-in-a-box market as a whole.